Behavior challenges can prevent people from participating fully in community activities. Through our Behavioral Support Services, Via helps individuals who struggle with behavior challenges, teaching them more appropriate alternatives. Our Masters-level staff work with a person’s natural support system and caregivers to develop a behavioral support plan addressing challenging behaviors, cognitive processing, communication skills, self-help activities, impulse control, adaptive skills, and suggesting environmental changes that support success.

Behavioral Supports
What Are Behavioral Support Services?
Behavioral Support Services promote the growth, development, and independence of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who are struggling with behavior challenges. Our services are based on positive behavioral support practices that reflect respect, dignity, and positive regard for the individual receiving services. To ensure successful behavioral results, we support individual choice in decision-making and emphasize self-determination and self-management.
Our Masters-level staff are trained in the areas of functional behavior assessment and behavior support plan development. Behavioral Supports include onsite observation, comprehensive functional behavior assessment, behavior support plan development, training for all involved team members, and ongoing support and plan modification. Behavior Support Specialists focus on changes that can be made by the individual, their team, or within the person’s environment.
Support plans are regularly evaluated to ensure that any necessary changes are made and that individual outcomes are tracked appropriately. A team approach is used involving families, staff, and other caregivers throughout the process.
Via helps individuals and their teams address:
- Challenging behaviors
- Cognitive processing
- Communication skills
- Self-help activities
- Impulse control
- Adaptive skills
- Environmental changes that support success
- Teaching appropriate replacement behaviors
For more information, contact:
Kim Tracy, Director of Admissions | 610-317-8000 x461